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Global Settings

Main Settings

Control the global behavior of your QSM plugin and apply uniform settings to all your quizzes and surveys with the Main Settings.

QSM Global Settings - Main Settings

Allow Usage Tracking – With this option, you can allow Quiz And Survey Master to anonymously track this plugin’s usage and help us make this plugin better.

Enable QSM Log – With this option, you can allow the plugin to generate error logs to spot and log errors.

Disable collecting and storing IP addresses? – With this option, you can disallow the plugin to store the IP addresses of the quiz takers. Note you must not restrict number of quiz attempts when this option is enabled.

Disable Quiz Posts From Being Searched? – With this option you can stop the quiz posts from being shown in Google searches.

Quiz Archive Settings – With this option set what happens when a quiz is archived. You can completely disable Quiz Archive or Disable the Quiz Public Link.

Duplicate Quiz Controls – You can enable this option by clicking on the check-box to duplicate your quizzes that use QSM themes. This ensures that any theme settings you had in the previous quiz are duplicated in the new quiz while duplicating.

Delete all the data related to QSM on deletion? – When this option is enabled the data related to QSM gets completed and deleted after the quiz/survey is deleted.

Process emails in background? – With this option you can control whether or not to process emails in the background. We recommend keeping this option enabled. However, you can disable it if you are having issues sending the emails.

Quiz Url Slug – With this option set a custom URL slug for all quizzes.

Post Type Plural Name – Set the post type plural names to your quizzes and surveys.

Facebook App Id – Enter the Facebook App Id if you are using Social Share options.

From Name – Set the From name for QSM Emails

From Email – Set the From Email for QSM Emails

Items per page in question bank pagination – Set the number of items to be displayed in the Question Bank Pagination window.

New Template For Admin Results Details – Set the template format for Admin Results. Choose between New Template and Old Template.

Quiz Default Options

You can now set global default options for a Quiz/Survey that will be reflected in the Options Tab. This means you can now control and set default quiz/survey options that will be loaded by default whenever you create a new Quiz/Survey.

So when you create a new quiz/survey the options will be pre-selected as per the set global defaults. You can change these default options from the “Quiz Default Options” tab in QSM Settings.

To find the Quiz Default Options navigate to QSM > Settings >Global Settings > Quiz Default Options. Here you can configure the options and Save them as Default Options.

Quiz Default Options - Global Settings

After setting the default options, hit the “Save Changes” button. You can also set quiz options as default by hitting the “Set Global Defaults” button in the Options Tab.

Almost all global settings options are similar to the individual Quiz Options found inside the quiz. However, one setting is unique to the Global Settings. It is the Disable auto-fill for Quiz input that is in the Display settings.

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Disable Auto Fill For Quiz Input – This option lets you enable/disable the auto-fill input in the quiz.

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