Create a True Bipolar Quiz in 4 Simple Steps!

Create a True Bipolar Quiz in 4 Simple Steps!

Bipolar disorder is usually a prolonged period of depression with irregularities of fluctuating mood swings. A bipolar quiz is taken up by a person to realize whether he/she is Bipolar or not.

Usually, these tests were carried out under the doctor’s supervision. But due to the situation of the pandemic, people of all ages are facing problems relevant to their mental health. In recent times, health stakeholders have come across the need to resource people with necessary information regarding this sensitive disorder.

Create a Bipolar Quiz
Create a Bipolar Quiz

This is why you could now see bipolar quizzes over the internet. However, if you are looking to make a bipolar disorder quiz, then this is the right place for you. We will use the QSM plugin for making a bipolar depression quiz or bipolar disorder quiz.

What is a Bipolar quiz test?

You may experience sudden surges in your body temperature and fluctuations in your mood. But what happens when these small changes become evident to you almost every day?

There is a fine line between episodical depression and being bipolar. This is one of the reasons why a bipolar disorder quiz may be regarded as a bipolar depression quiz test also. People with bipolar disorder or BPD face extreme mood swings, which last longer than just a few hours.

A bipolar quiz is useful for cases of dilemma. A person with bipolar disorder may not identify whether he/she needs help. Online mental health quizzes, concerning a person’s condition, becomes a blessing in disguise in such instances.

Characteristics of a bipolar quiz test

Create a bipolar quiz- Characteristics of bipolar quiz test
Create a bipolar quiz- Characteristics of bipolar quiz test

A bipolar disorder quiz has a few peculiar features which you are required to take into account while making a quiz.

Mania and depression are the two main moods linked with bipolar disorder. As a result, symptoms usually fall into one of two categories. Some commonalities of Bipolar disorder could be:

  • Inflated sense of self-worth
  • On only a few hours of sleep, you can run “full steam”
  • More gregarious than normal
  • Frantic thoughts or a never-ending stream of ideas
  • Easy to be distracted
  • Appear to be “on a mission,” i.e., engaging in goal-directed behavior in interpersonal situations, at work, at school, or even sexually.
  • Fidgety, picking, pacing, or altering clothing without thinking – scientifically defined as “psychomotor agitation”
  • Taking part in activities with a high likelihood of failure
  • For two weeks, you’ve been feeling empty, hopeless, or depressed all day, every day.
  • A clear lack of interest in almost all everyday activities, particularly preferences or routines
  • Nearly every day, there is a noticeable weight reduction or gain without intended sleeplessness.
  • Almost every day, you feel exhausted.
  • Feelings of remorse or worthlessness that arise unexpectedly
  • Not wanting to live, either with or without a desire to die
Create a bipolar quiz- Characteristics of bipolar quiz test
Create a bipolar quiz- Characteristics of bipolar quiz test

Causes of bipolar disorder

There has yet to be identified a singular cause for bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder, like all psychological disorders, is complicated and has a number of contributing causes, including:

Genetic. Someone who has a family history of bipolar illness or another mental health problem may be predisposed to it.

Biological. In people with bipolar disorder, some chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) such as serotonin and dopamine may not work effectively.

Environmental. A genetic predisposition or a possible biological reaction may be triggered by external factors such as stress or a big life event. If the bipolar disease was purely genetic, for example, both identical twins would be affected. However, one twin may have the syndrome while the other does not, implying that the environment may play a role.

Creating a bipolar quiz- Causes
Creating a bipolar quiz- Causes

How to create a bipolar quiz?

While making any quiz, you need to make sure that every question is purposefully related to the quiz’s topic. The case of a Bipolar disorder test is also the same. The point to be noted in this is the focus on details.

If you are a medical or psychological practitioner you must be aware that most of the time, online quizzes are deemed to be fraudulent. Therefore, creating a bipolar test quiz shall be done with the help of an expert.

Step 1: Installing the QSM plugin

WordPress quiz plugin, Quiz and Survey Master, is the best quiz plugin, you can get for your Bipolar Quiz. This is because it allows you to customize the quiz, from the landing page to the results page.

Related: Quick start with QSM

Creating a bipolar quiz- Installing the QSM Plugin
Creating a bipolar quiz- Installing the QSM Plugin

To download the QSM plugin, you have to search for the plugins menu on the official WordPress website. Once you locate the plugin, you can download the plugin.

Then log in with your WordPress website and locate the plugins button from the dashboard menu. There you can upload and install the QSM plugin.

Step 2: Preparing BPD questionnaire

If you are a psychologist/psychiatrist you could prepare a questionnaire of the common questions you take up with your clients while testing for bipolar disorder. In case, you are preparing this quiz for your WordPress blog, or any other purpose and you do not have great knowledge about how the questions should be put up, you could easily get in touch with an expert.

We have prepared for you a small bipolar quiz questionnaire that you can read and reflect upon and further create the questions along the same lines. Please note that these questions are all approved by experts.

  • At times you tend to talk or speak much faster than you normally do?
  • You used to be much more active and enjoyed doing more activities?
  • Have you ever felt both happy (high) and sad (low) at the same time?
  • Have you been thinking about a physical touch more than you used to?
  • Sometimes do you feel like you could do no wrong and other times that you can do nothing right?
  • Do you sometimes find yourself shouting, yelling, and starting fights or arguments for no reason or you could not get to know why?

Step 3: Creating the bipolar quiz

Creating a bipolar quiz
Creating a bipolar quiz

To create a quiz using the QSM plugin, you can search for QSM in your dashboard, to find “QSM”, then click “Create Quiz/Survey” and further you will be shown a dialogue box asking you to choose a theme. You could buy any theme you like.

Creating a bipolar quiz
Creating a bipolar quiz

I would recommend the Pool theme, it has a formal yet floaty feel to it. QSM themes pair well with different types of genres and suit various question typologies as well.

Next, you are required to choose the quiz name and the type of tally of the quiz, that is whether the quiz will be point-based or a correct-incorrect. For a mental health type quiz, it is always safe to go for a point-based quiz, this is because you cannot judge a right or wrong answer as everyone has different experiences and choices.

Creating a bipolar quiz
Creating a bipolar quiz

Here the quiz name is “Am I Bipolar Quiz?” You could also go for other options like the Bipolar quiz test, Bipolar disorder quiz, Bipolar depression quiz, and likewise. The next step is to choose from add-ons. Add-ons are like extensions to your quizzes, which will enhance the quality and/or appearance of the quiz depending upon the type of add-on you choose.

Further, you can choose whether you want your questions to have image answers or text answers, or polar type answers as well. You could also add GIFs to your quiz, wherever you feel feasible, in question, or as a featured image.

Creating a bipolar quiz
Creating a bipolar quiz

If you see the tab above, you will observe that you can actually customize every element of the quiz. Whether it be questions, contact details, or follow-up emails, you can customize it all. You can also send personalized emails as a result declaration for the user’s privacy and explain in detail what could his or her next steps be.

Creating a bipolar quiz
Creating a bipolar quiz

Step 4: Creating result pages

If you are a beginner in the psychology field or a practitioner or a research-based blog, creating an interactive email follow-up regime could increase your potential clients and grow your organization.

Also, a quiz is the best way to collect zero-party data if you are looking in it for research purposes. Creating an email follow-up regime on QSM is very simple, all you have to do is ask the user for him/her email address and get them to sign up for the results. This way, you can get the client to be in touch with you.

Creating a bipolar quiz- Results page
Creating a bipolar quiz- Results page

After you are done with email optimizations, you can create results page(s). There are two ways in which an interactive results page could be made, firstly, by giving the score and links to share or by giving the user the result and his/her next steps to do after the quiz. If you are a doctor or practitioner of the field, you can source out your remedial channels or contacts. Using template variables you can add scores, the name of the user, links for sharing, etc.

Creating a bipolar quiz- Results page
Creating a bipolar quiz- Results page

Once the checklist is completed, you can preview the quiz to revise for errors and test it a few times for every result page. If you are through with it, you could publish the quiz. You can also embed the quiz into an article on your WordPress website.

Publishing a Bipolar Quiz

Why use the QSM plugin to make Bipolar Quiz?

Creating a Bipolar quiz using the QSM plugin will help you in a positive way. It allows you to get in touch with each and every question and lets you customize it from the very scratch. BPD is a very sensitive topic and often people get discouraged on knowing, or sometimes, not knowing whether they have bipolar disorder or not. For those cases, creating multi result pages is the key to calm reactions.

The QSM plugin for your WordPress website also allows choosing your question-answer type wisely. It plays an important role because you could never be sure with what mindset is someone coming to your website for taking the bipolar disorder quiz, so the quiz should, at all times be neutral to someone who is/isn’t suffering through the disorder.

As a result, procuring the QSM plugin to create a bipolar quiz for your WordPress website or blog, could be fruitful in various aspects.

If you liked this blog, you might also be interested in how to create a mental health quiz for your WordPress website and appointment booking plugins for patient appointments and scheduling.

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