Social Media Quizzes: 5 Great Tips from Experts

Social Media Quizzes: 5 Great Tips from Experts

Imagine that people taking your social media quizzes are becoming your to-be customers… Insane, right? Well, all of it could be possible if you structure your fun social media quiz perfectly to increase social media engagement.

Today, we are here to reveal it all!

Please don’t get your hopes up high, we are here to reveal our shush-shush secrets and our, social media quizzes!

Quiz and Survey Master is the one-stop destination for all your quizzical needs; whether it be creating a quiz or learning how to master e-commerce quizzes, you get it all here.

In this blog, we will take you through various aspects of a fun social media quiz and you can also learn how to generate leads with social media quizzes. Adhering is the secret to creating a completely optimized social media quiz and how to make one yourself, using the best WordPress quiz plugin, QSM.

What are Social Media Quizzes?

A social media quiz is just like any other quiz on the internet. The only difference is that you may find these quizzes on a social media platform. Hence, the name.

Social media quizzes seem to have become an indispensable part of marketing strategies these days because of several reasons. Let’s face it, we are all pretty much more active on our social profiles than we are IRL, aren’t we?

And even if you disagree with that, there is no chance that you haven’t found yourself lured into a social media quiz that says, “Find your soulmate’s initial by taking this quiz!”

What are Social Media Quizzes?
What are Social Media Quizzes?

Well, we have all been there and it is nothing to be ashamed of. But it is time that you realize that social media quizzes work unconsciously even for a person who is randomly scrolling through.

Social media platforms these days are gaining more and more acceptance as we are walking into the gen-z era. Even a 5-year-old has an Instagram account, wouldn’t you agree?

Therefore, it only becomes necessary for you to step out and provide your A-game in the social media market.

We have listed for you some tutorials which would help you create a variety of quizzes using the QSM plugin, for your social media quiz:

Why do Social Media Quizzes Work?

In light of this, you may be wondering how and why social media quizzes could help your social media marketing.

How on Earth could that ever provide value to your business, considering that most of them appear pretty silly?

We live in the era of digital narcissism, to start. What was formerly regarded as selfish behavior has become the accepted norm in society, particularly when it comes to social media.

People like to recognize themselves in the content they consume, and quizzes frequently reflect a person’s personality. They also tend to want to participate when they witness others doing so.

Why do Social Media Quizzes Work?
Why do Social Media Quizzes Work?

In fact, without the use of nonverbal cues, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) discovered that people mimic the happy or negative feelings that their peers convey in their posts. Strange, right?

People will share or take part in the stuff their friends are interacting with on social media, such as quizzes, much as they do when mirroring feelings. This calls for increased participation and increased engagement. Which in turn may or may not lead to increased lead generation.

The modern marketer’s toolkit now includes social media quizzes as a wonderful choice for gaining leads and boosting sales. If you need any more justifications for loving social media quizzes, they also offer the following extra advantages:

Due to the additional advantages they bring to your social content as well as your bottom line, people adore social media quizzes, and you will too! So let’s look at how to put up social media quizzes for your audience, professionally, if you want to try your hand at this social media strategy!

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How to use Social Media Quiz Professionally?

Here are some ways to create a social media quiz like a pro:

1. Have A Vision

How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?
How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?

A great social media quiz must, first and foremost, have a distinct aim. You should consider the following when building a social media quiz:

  • What data do you hope to get about your audience
  • What you want to do with that data 
  • What you want to do with that data 
  • What you could do to help your target audience

Create a social media quiz with a goal in mind, whether it is to expand your email list, attract readers to a blog post, increase brand awareness, or simply amuse your customers and promote one-on-one relationships. If you don’t, your marketing efforts will be useless and wasted!

2. Design Something Intriguing & Cognizant

How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?
How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?

A social media quiz shouldn’t consist of a random assortment of meaningless questions! You must be engaging, enjoyable, considerate, and completely focused on your audience. People enjoy thinking about themselves, thus the focus of your questionnaire should always be on the person taking it.

Whatever your line of work, you may always direct material to your target market. For instance:

  • Try the question “What kind of road bike is the best fit for you?” if you sell bicycles.
  • Try asking, “Is __ sort of school the greatest fit for your child?” if you run a charter school.
  • What dessert on our menu should you try based on your personality, if you own a restaurant?

Related: 101+ Best Trivia Questions of All times

3. Choose the Proper Type of Quiz

How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?
How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?

You must be careful about the type of social media quiz you pose to your audience when using social media quizzes for branding objectives. Make sure your business goal plan and the quiz are compatible.

You can choose from the following popular social media quiz types:

  • Educational: A test that informs individuals about your company, its products, or its services (example: online exam)
  • Shopping: A quiz that matches prospective customers with the goods and services you provide by acting as a product suggestion engine. (example: interior design catalog through quiz)
  • Knowledge: A test that assesses the proficiency of your audience or their knowledge of a particular subject (example: constitution quiz)
  • Personality: A test that correlates respondents’ characteristics or preferences with certain outcomes (example: personality quiz)

4. Social Media Quiz Questionnaire

How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?
How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?

You may quickly come up with a list of possible questions to ask when considering your goals and the data you want to gather from your audience. However, you will need to narrow them down until you find the ones that truly provide the data you require.

Consider including these points when creating a quiz questionnaire:

  1. The questions and responses should be succinct. A social media quiz should include 5 to 10 questions and take no longer than 2 minutes to finish.
  2. Make the quiz content simple. As far as possible, you should make sure that individuals understand your questions and replies and are impartial.
  3. Use compelling visuals. When you incorporate appealing visuals in your quiz, it gets people’s attention and keeps them intrigued.
  4. Avoid quizzes that promote products. You want this to be an engagement piece rather than a sales pitch, similar to most social media. Even if you want to create a sales quiz for your social media handle, you can add a proper description, so that users don’t feel tricked, IYKWIM.

Related: How to use Quiz Data for Business Decisions

5. Creating Attractive Results Page

How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?
How to use Social Media Quizzes Professionally?

You must be producing leads or learning useful details about your target audience in order to get the most out of social media quizzes. When displaying the results pages of your social media quiz, you might wish to use some of the marketing strategies listed below:

Results withheld for soft signups

Rather than providing individuals with ALL of the information for free, you could wish to delay the quiz results until they provide you with an email (of course, make a light request and provide a “SKIP” button). By doing this, you are giving folks the chance and incentive to join your email list without having to make an evident effort.

Fun interactions

Nothing is worse than bland result descriptions that simply declare the answer, so make your findings interesting and educational. Give your readers more by presenting the outcome together with a supporting paragraph that encourages them to learn more about it. Link that to a page on your website!

Related: Why add GIFs to your Quizzes?

Include sharing buttons

When quiz takers can’t share their results on social media, social media quizzes frequently lose a lot of value. Make sure you include social networking buttons, particularly for Twitter and Facebook.

Give a call to action

Make sure you direct your quiz participants to the steps you want them to perform at the end! Include calls to action that are obvious, such as asking users to click links, leave comments on their experiences, or share with a friend!

Final Thoughts

With this article, one thing is clear, everything you create as content will come into the viewer’s eye if your purpose is clear, even if the quiz is strange and bizarre like “based on your favorite ice cream, we judge your divergent faction quiz!”

Creating a social media quiz as a marketing strategy could be really helpful in achieving increased social media engagement and therefore helps in generating leads.
Now that you know how to use social media quizzes for your social media marketing, maybe you feel more confident. You can make them using a simple and graphically appealing application, such as the Quiz and Survey Master plugin.

If you liked reading this article, you may be interested in learning how to create a quiz on QSM and how to embed a quiz in a post on WordPress.

Download the Quiz and Survey Master plugin to increase engagement and give your users a fun getaway through your website.

What’s New: QSM 8.0 Released!

After months of diligent work, we have finally released the QSM 8.0 version. New editing interfaces have been introduced, themes have been changed, WPML connectivity has been added, and bug fixes have been implemented.

To get the most out of the quiz and survey master plugin, upgrade to the Pro Bundle of Add-ons! The Pro bundle, in contrast to the others, includes more than 30 add-ons, including Google Sheets integration, Zapier connectivity, and email marketing optimization.

After purchasing the Pro Bundle of add-ons, you’ll be able to use the following features and more on your WordPress website:

  • The Save and Resume function of the Advanced Timer
  • Ten separate websites will receive your QSM results.
  • Using Google Sheets as a connection
  • Integration of Email Marketing
  • Integration of Stripe and PayPal
  • Landing Page for Emails
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