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Paypal and Stripe Payment Integration

As the name suggests this addon helps you to integrate Paypal and Stripe in your quiz/survey for receiving payments from the user before entering into a quiz/survey.


Once you have purchased the addon, you will have access to download the addon. To install, simply upload the addon as a normal WordPress plugin. To do so, go to the Plugins page and click Add New.

Then, click Upload. From there, upload the zip file that you downloaded when downloading the addon. Once the addon has uploaded, you should now have the plugin QSM – Payment Integration listed in your list of plugins. Activate that plugin.

Once activated, the Payment Integration plugin will add a new tab called (Payment Integration) into your Addon Settings page found in the Quizzes/Surveys menu.

Now, go to the Addon Settings from the Quizzes/Survey plugin. There you would see a tab named “Payment Integration” created next to the Featured Addons tab.

QSM Payment Integration Addon – Addon Settings

In the Payment Integration tab, you would first need to enter the Addon License key which you got when purchasing the Payment Integration Plugin. Note that the addon won’t work without a valid license key. Enter your license key from your account into the “Addon License Key” field on the “Payment Integration” tab of the “Addon Settings” in Installed Addons. You can add the License Key from Addon Settings and also from Addon Options inside the individual quizzes/surveys.

Start configuring the addon by selecting the currency in which you want to receive the payments.

PayPal Details

In PayPal Details Section, Enter the PayPal Live account Merchant email id to receive payments via. PayPal. You can enter a valid Merchant account ID or any PayPal email id

Enter the Sandbox Account used for testing. This is useful to make sure your PayPal account and settings are working properly. Tick the “Enable Sandbox Mode” checkbox if you’ve entered the Sandbox email id above.

Add an appropriate button label or go with the default “Pay Now” text. Next, you can enable/disable the Sandbox Mode by checking the checkbox.

Stripe Details

In Stripe Details Section, Enter your Stripe Publishable Key, Test Secret Key, Live Publishable Key, and Live Secret key. You can get this information from your Stipe Dashboard.

  • Goto your Stripe Dashboard and click “Get your test API keys”, which opens up with Test Publishable Key and Secret Key.
  • Copy both the keys and paste it in the Addon text fields.
  • Now, if your Stripe account is activated you would get the Live API key and Secret key when clicked on “Get your Live API Keys” dropdown.
  • Again, copy both the keys and paste it in the Addon text fields.
QSM Payment Integration Addon - Configuration Success
QSM Payment Integration Addon – Configuration Success

If needed you can enable the Stripe Sandbox mode by ticking the said textbox. And set the button label for the Stripe Option, default is “Pay Now”. Hit “Save Changes” and the changes would be saved.


QSM Payment Integration Addon - Configuring Quiz to accept payments
QSM Payment Integration Addon – Configuring Quiz to accept payments

Now, open up your Quiz/Survey in which you want to implement the payment options.

There you would see a new Tab named “Payment”, The very first option says “Allow logged in users to take this quiz multiple times” choose accordingly.

In the ‘Payment Message’ option, you can display any message to the user alerting them about the quiz and the Quiz amount.

Then, you need to select the Payment Methods you need to receive the payments from the user, with PayPal and Stripe as the options. You can choose both or any one of them.

And, in the Quiz Amount field enter the Amount which you want the user to pay to get access to the quiz. Hit the Save Changes to implement the desired actions.

Logging Manual Payment Transaction

Paypal and Stripe Payment Integration Addon also have a feature to Add Missing Payment Transactions Manually.

Consider this scenario, when a payment is done by the customer through Paypal or stripe but the customer is not having access to the quiz however the amount gets deducted from the user’s account with a valid transaction id.

In such cases, the quiz admin can manually log a payment transaction from the “Add a Transaction” tab inside the QSM’s Payment History Menu.


Select the appropriate currency Currency, Enter the Amount, Select Payment Type, Enter the user Email & select the Quiz, and hit the “Add User Transaction” button. This manually adds a missing transaction and the user can enjoy taking the quiz.

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