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Paypal and Stripe Payment Integration

As the name suggests this addon helps you to integrate Paypal and Stripe in your quiz/survey for receiving payments from the user before entering into a quiz/survey.


Once you have purchased the add-on, you will have access to download it. After you’ve downloaded the plugin file to your device, you’ll have to install it to your WordPress. 

To do so, go to the Plugins page and click Add New. Then, click Upload. From there, upload the zip file that you’ve downloaded. Once the addon has been uploaded, you should have the Payment Integration addon listed in your list of installed plugins. Then Activate the plugin. 

Once activated, you’ll see a new option in the Addon Settings labeled “Payment Integration.”

To use the Payment add-on, first, enter the Addon License key you received when purchasing the Payment Integration plugin.

Note that the addon won’t work without a valid license key. Enter your license key from your account into the “Addon License Key” field from the “Payment Integration” settings which you can access from Addons << Installed Addons. 


You can start configuring the addon by managing the Global Payment Integration Settings.

Global Payment Settings Page

Once the add-on is activated, you can first start setting up your payment modes with QSM. Navigate to the Payment Integration Settings, you’ll see the option opposite to the License tab. 


General Settings – You can set a currency to make the payment in from the dropdown option.

Manage Payment Modes – Under this section, you’ll have two options for payment, you can set them accordingly –


PayPal Mode: In this option, you can select the PayPal payment mode, either live mode or sandbox mode [if you are using the plugin for testing].

Merchant ID or Account Email: Enter a valid merchant ID or account email, as well as a client ID for authorization if you use a business email ID for the payment process.

If you are using a test site, then enter the Sandbox Account. This helps ensure that your PayPal account and settings are functioning correctly.


Stripe Mode: In this option, you can select the Stripe payment mode, either live or sandbox mode.

  • If sandbox mode is selected, the input fields for this mode will be – “Test Publish Key and Test Secret Key”
  • However, if the live mode is enabled, the input fields will be for –  “Live Publish key” and “Live Secret key.”

You can get this information from your Stipe Dashboard.

  • Go to your Stripe Dashboard and click “Get your test API keys”, which opens up with Test Publishable Key and Secret Key.
  • Copy both the keys and paste them in the Addon text fields.
  • Now, if your Stripe account is activated you will get the Live API key and Secret key when clicking on the “Get your Live API Keys” dropdown.
  • Again, copy both the keys and paste them into the Addon text fields.

Click on ‘Save Changes’ once you’ve set up the payment mode.

Payment Management Settings

Once the payment mode is set, you can manage the payment settings by following these steps: 

  • Navigate to a selected quiz from the Quizzes/Surveys tab, 
  • Click on the Add-ons tab, and select the “Payment” option.

From here, you can further manage the payment options

QSM Payment Integration Addon – Configuring Quiz to accept payments

General Settings – To enable payments for a quiz or survey, check the “Enable Payments” checkbox.

In the “Select Payment Mode” section, choose the payment mode you configured in the Global payment settings. This will be the mode displayed on the payment form.

If you happen to enable both checkboxes, then the payment form will show both the PayPal and Stripe payment button options.

Note – If you want to go to the global settings payment page, then click on the “Connect Your Payment Modes” link.

Amount – Enter the amount you want to ask as payment from your users.

Payment Method – Choose when to collect the payment from the dropdown option, you get two options – either collect the payment “Before Quiz” or “After Quiz.”

If “Before Quiz” is selected, two radio options will be displayed:

  1. Display Payment Screen Before Quiz Starts: If this option is selected, the payment form will appear before the welcome page and only when the payment is complete will users be able to take the quiz.
  2. Display Payment Screen After the Welcome Page (First Page): If you select this option, the payment screen will be shown after the welcome message. Once the payment is completed, users can proceed to take the quiz.

If “After Quiz” is selected, two radio options will be displayed:

  1. Display Payment Screen Before Quiz Submission: If this option is selected, the payment screen will show before the quiz submission. Once the payment is completed, the quiz taker can submit the quiz.
  1. Display Payment Screen After the Quiz Submission (After Last Page): This option allows for collecting payment after the quiz submission. The quiz result page will not be shown if the payment is not completed.

Payment Type – Select how you want to collect the payment;

  1. One-Time Payment: If this option is selected, users only need to make a one-time payment to access the quiz anytime.
  1. Attempt-Based Payment: If this option is selected, an input box field appears to collect payment after a specified number of attempts. For example, if “2” is entered, the payment screen will appear after taking 2 attempts of the quiz.

Quiz Payment Message – Add a custom message in the WordPress text editor that will be shown in the payment form on the quiz page. 

Payment Confirmation – Enable the checkbox to send the payment receipt email to the participants. If this checkbox is checked, a text editor will be shown to customize the payment message.

Button text – You can customize the labels for the PayPal and Stripe payment buttons that will be shown in the payment form.

Logging Manual Payment Transaction

Paypal and Stripe Payment Integration Addon also have a feature to Add Missing Payment Transactions Manually.

Consider this scenario: A customer completes a payment through PayPal or Stripe, and the amount is successfully deducted from their account with a valid transaction ID. However, the customer does not gain access to the quiz.

In such cases, the quiz admin can manually log a payment transaction from the “Add a Transaction” tab inside the QSM’s Payment History Menu.


Select the appropriate currency Currency, Enter the Amount, Select Payment Type, Enter the user Email & select the Quiz, and hit the “Add User Transaction” button. This manually adds a missing transaction and the user can enjoy taking the quiz.

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