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How to Create a Patient Satisfaction Survey? (7 minutes read)

Patient satisfaction surveys have increasingly become a crucial part of the medical industry. Earlier doctors and nurses would give away from the patients once the prescription is set. But with the rise in the digitization of the healthcare sector, medical surveys, health surveys, and patient satisfaction surveys are gaining more and more popularity.

In this blog, we will learn how to make a patient satisfaction survey using the Quiz and Survey Master plugin. We would also discuss the do’s and don’t’s of a health survey and what kind of questions are solicited for such surveys.

But before we begin with the technical part, let’s first understand what importance a survey in the healthcare industry holds. We have also created a sample survey using the QSM plugin, for a better understanding of the gist.

Key highlights of the blog:

What is a Survey in Healthcare Industry?

Surveys in the Healthcare industry are finding their place in the top numbers after the Pandemic. A survey can be used for a lot of procedures that are followed in a medical setup. It can be used for:

  • A patient’s detailed description of their medical wellness
  • To understand the medical history of a patient
  • To understand the type of ailments in an age group
  • To quantify the ailment increase/decrease for a particular type and a lot more
What is a Survey in Healthcare Industry?
What is a Survey in Healthcare Industry?

These surveys are categorized as Health Surveys or Surveys for Healthcare. Now, when we talk about a Patient Satisfaction Survey, there are two things that can be kept in mind.

First, these surveys do not target the medical history or a person’s medical potential. And second, these surveys are purely used for improvement and boosting of the services already being provided.

If you can understand these two ideas, then you would be able to produce quality patient satisfaction surveys or any kind of medical survey.

Why are Patient Satisfaction Surveys Important?

#1 Enhances Your Practice

When you know what needs to be improved in your practice, you can devote more time, money, and resources to it. This means you can identify the problems from the patient’s point of view and clarify the hurdles that could set your practice on par with others.

#2 Enhance Your Online Presence

Making your patients feel heard and satisfied is a great way to improve your online reviews and bring in more new customers. Going to the doctor can be frightening, and health insurance can be complicated. The good news is that people enjoy talking about their experiences.

Why are Patient Satisfaction Surveys Important?
Why are Patient Satisfaction Surveys Important?

#3 Practice Complies With Law

When you ask about various aspects of patient care, you can uncover details in your surveys that can help you ensure everything is running smoothly and in accordance with the requirements of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

#4 Set-up of Dialog with Patients

Patients are eager to connect with their healthcare providers. Asking them questions encourages them to be truthful and open. It demonstrates that you care and is listening, allowing you to develop a two-way relationship.

How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?

Creating a survey in the QSM plugin is easy and smooth. You can make use of all the different features of the plugin for free while creating Surveys for your WordPress website.

Learn How to Create a Survey using QSM

While making a patient satisfaction survey, the type of questions that you use should be kept in check. The survey should have an empathetic and formal tone to it. Patients should not feel obliged to share their medical insights for this survey.

Step 1: Installing the QSM plugin

You can refer to the above-mentioned blog to learn how to install the QSM plugin. It is a free-to-use WordPress plugin, thus you can download and make use of the plugin’s functions and features without buying it.

Step 2: Choosing Questionnaire for the survey

Before you create your patient satisfaction survey, make sure it will actually provide you with useful patient feedback. To accomplish this, you must make your questions concise and simple to understand.

Here are some questions to ask in a patient satisfaction survey to help improve your exercise:

  • How long did you have to wait (after your appointment)?
  • How pleased are you with the practice’s appearance and cleanliness?
  • Did the staff provide you with clear information?
  • Was the staff polite?
  • Was the staff well-informed?
  • Did the payment options meet your expectations?
  • Do you believe there are enough appointment times available?
  • Are our appointment times suitable?
  • Did the doctor meet your expectations?
  • Did you believe you were a high priority?
  • Will you continue with this practice?
  • Would you recommend this practice to your friends and family?

Step 3: Creating a Survey Form

To create a survey form, you will need to click on “Create a New Quiz/Survey” on your QSM Dashboard. Add in the details for the Patient Satisfaction Survey, whether you would like it to be for logged-in users or you wish to set an Addon setting for it.

How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?
How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?

Further, in the questions tab, you can add your questionnaire. There are various types of questions you can choose from. In a survey, however, multiple-choice questions and polar-type questions are preferred for ease of understanding.

How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?
How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?

You can also add a contact form to your survey, using the contact tab. This will allow you to track down results while compiling. To create an efficient survey, you may also use the Reporting and Analysis Addon by QSM. This addon helps in compiling results better in a graphical order, which in turn, makes your data easy to read and comprehend inferences.

How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?
How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?

At last, you can customize the theme of your Survey, We are using the Fragrance theme for this sample survey. You can check out all the available QSM themes and choose a theme that fits your website’s look and feel the best.

Step 4: Publishing the Survey

Once you are through with optimizing your Patient Satisfaction Survey, now it is time to make it available to the public. You can do so by embedding the survey on your website. (or on a specific page on your website)

How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?
How to create a Patient Satisfaction Survey?

There are many ways in which you can embed a survey using the QSM plugin. For a patient satisfaction survey, you can use a pop-up type embed or a block embed. These would allow the visitors to your website to read and go through the survey.

You can also attach the survey to your follow-up email or broadcast groups. This would also boost your online marketing and presence in a long run.

Do’s and Don’t of a Health Survey

Do's and Don't of a Health Survey
Do’s and Don’t of a Health Survey

#1 Don’t Emphasise Medical Background. Do make a connection.

In a health survey, you may not want to understand the complete medical history of the patient. Only a few details for the understanding of the situation are enough. Making a connection with the patient is important in a health survey. Understand the underlying causes and devise from there.

#2 Don’t interrogate. Do Comprehend.

We do not want our patients to feel like an object of marketing or business. Surveys should have a mellow and compassionate tone. Using questions that put the patients in despise, could backfire and ruin the essence of the survey.

#3 Don’t distress. Do be reasonable.

Most surveys go unnoticed because the questions or the flow of the questionnaire can cause patients distress and thus leaves them in contempt. This can even happen due to making questions necessary to answer, or even adding a detailed contact form. Being reasonable with refutation and questioning is the key to making a survey a success.


How do you measure patient satisfaction?

Patients’ responses can be solicited in a variety of ways, including phone surveys, written surveys, focus groups, and personal interviews. According to Myers, most practices will prefer to use written surveys because they are the most cost-effective and reliable method.

What should I ask in a patient satisfaction survey?

Some questions to ask in a patient satisfaction survey are:
1. How would you rate the overall quality of care at our facility?
2. Were our employees sensitive to your needs?
3. Were you pleased with the doctor you were assigned?
4. How satisfied are you with the doctor’s care?
5. Were we able to address all of your concerns?

What is the objective of patient satisfaction survey?

The satisfaction of patients is a significant and widely used indicator of healthcare quality. Clinical outcomes, patient retention, and medical malpractice claims are all influenced by patient satisfaction. It has an impact on the timely, efficient, and patient-centered provision of high-quality health care.

Final Thoughts

With this, we end our discussion on patient satisfaction surveys. We learned how can these surveys take up a lot of importance in the health industry.

Creating a patient satisfaction survey or a health survey using the QSM plugin is very easy because of its easy-to-read interface. QSM plugin helps in creating such surveys with efficiency. You can make use of QSM email integration Addons like Mailchimp Addon and ActiveCampaign Addon to create a better follow-up regime for your patients.

You can also be a Pro with the QSM Pro bundle that offers you all the QSM Addons at the best price possible. You will get:

  • Email Marketing Integrations
  • Zapier Integration
  • Advanced Timer
  • Export Results
  • Google Sheet Connector
  • Save and Resume
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