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10+ Post-Event Survey Questions to Ask

Wondering what you should ask in the post-event survey? Feedback on the event is important and so are post-event survey questions. Post-event survey questions can help you get deep insights and valuable data about the attendee’s satisfaction. It also helps you to plan and improve your further events.

Quiz and Survey Master is a WordPress survey plugin that helps you create an amazing post-event survey. It has various amazing features by which you can make a survey that is interesting and engaging for your audience. You can use various question types to ask different styles of post-event survey questions. 

Read this blog to know more about post-event survey questions.

What Is a Post-Event Survey?

A post-event survey is probably one of the best tools for non-profit, associations, businesses, and other entities to capture valuable feedback after an event. Whether you conduct a webinar, virtual event, or conference, a post-event survey helps you to plan and improve your next event. It gives you key insights into the perspective of attendees, volunteers, speakers, and even the staff members. 

A post-event survey gives a voice to the attendees to pinpoint the area of improvement. A post-event survey helps you to:

  1. Build trust: When you ask your attendees about their opinions, you convey a message that you care about their opinions and they can trust you for more such events.
  2. Eliminate guesses: With a post-event survey, you don’t have to guess about the feedback and whether your event was a success or a failure. 
  3. Estimate event growth: A post-event survey helps you to determine the growth of your further events. 

Types of Post-Event Survey Questions

1. Open-ended questions:

In open-ended questions, attendees will have to elaborate their feedback and can’t give answers in “Yes” or “No”. If you need a thoughtful answer from your attendees, ask open-ended questions. It is beneficial for gathering detailed answers. It offers more detailed analyses and qualitative data. 

2. Closed-ended questions:

Closed-ended questions are narrow questions and don’t require detailed answers. It is the easy and the best way for quantitative analyses. Closed-ended questions work well to supplement or complement open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions usually come from:

  1. “Yes” or “No” questions: “Yes” or “No’ questions can help you segment your survey respondents and can help you to easily analyze the results. Also, they are very easy to answer. 
  2. Likert scale questions: It is a scale of 5- or 7- points used to measure the respondents’ level of agreement and intensity of their feelings for a particular statement. These types of questions give you more deep insights into how attendees feel about your event. 
  3. Rating scale questions: It is a scale usually from 1 to 10, used to plot responses on graphs and charts to find trends in your data. 

Post-Event Survey Sample Questions

Quiz and Survey Master recommend you to have a simple and short post-event survey. Good survey questions include a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions. Open-ended questions help you with deep insights and detailed feedback while lacking in quantitative analyses. While, on the other end, closed-ended questions help you with quantitative analysis and lack deep insights.

Open-Ended Post-Event Survey Questions May Include:

  1. What did you like the most about the event?- It will help you understand the attendee’s preferences
  1. What would you like to see improved in your next event?- It will help you understand the loopholes.
  1. What were your expectations before attending the event?- It will help you to know if you have done the event just the way your attendees wanted or not
  1. How would you describe your experience at the event?- It would help you check if users experienced and how you wanted them to experience have matched or not. 
  1. What issues (if any) did you have during the event?- It will help you understand the difficulties that your attendees might have faced. 

Closed-Ended Post-Event Survey Questions May Include:

“Yes” or “No” Questions

  1. Did the event meet your expectations?- It will help you understand if you have met your attendee’s expectations.
  1. Was the event easy to access?- If many people signed up for the event and few of them attended, this will help to understand if the event was tough to access. 

“Likert Scale” Questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the event? (1- very dissatisfied to 7- very satisfied)- It will help you understand the satisfaction level of the attendees.
  1. How helpful was the event? (1- not helpful to 7- very helpful)- It will help you understand if your event had some value to offer and how much of it was helpful.

“Rating Scale” Questions

  1. Rate the event on a scale of 1-10- It will help you understand the overall experience of the attendees.
  1. How likely you are to recommend this event?- It will help you estimate your future growth

How to Encourage Responses?

To encourage responses,

  1. Send the survey within 48 hours of conducting the event.
  2. Segment your audience and send the respective survey to the relevant audience.
  3. Keep the survey relevant to the event and don’t add unnecessary questions.
  4. Resend the survey to the attendees who have not responded in a week. 

How You Can Use QSM to Make a Post-Event Survey?

First, you need to install and download Quiz and Survey Master- the WordPress survey plugin, to your WordPress site. Then make a new survey and do the basic settings. There are around 12 different question types available for you to use. Add questions and answers to your survey.

Add text at various places to guide the users throughout the survey. Edit the survey with various options available and save it. Make custom email and results page. Add styles to make your survey look beautiful. You can also use QSM Premium themes as it has adorable and pre-made themes.

After making a survey, preview it and if satisfied publish it. Use a shortcode to embed your survey to the blog post or website. You can also convert your survey to the landing page with a landing page add-on.


We hope this blog has helped in making a better post-event survey. Above we have discussed what a post-event survey is and have also recommended 10+ post-event survey questions. Remember to take a short survey which can also collect more information. The more information you collect, the better the success rate for your future events. 

Quiz and Survey Master is a leading WordPress survey plugin that has numerous amazing features. We recommend you purchase QSM Pro Bundle as it is a bundle of useful and feature-rich plugins. These plugin helps you to make your survey in easy and simple ways. 

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