What is My Men Type Quiz in 4 Simplified Steps

What is My Men Type Quiz in 4 Simplified Steps

what is my men type quiz

Are you curious to know what is your men’s type? Or have you also typed in the Google search “what’s my type of guy”?

If you are a relationship guru and want more engagement on your page this is the type of quiz you would want to host on your website.

But it is completely fine if you do not know how to make a men-type quiz for it, we got your back!

In this blog, we will talk about how you can make a men-type quiz and what it means.

What Does Men’s Type Mean?

For many generations, we have Gen-Y to thank for making this slang go viral back in the early 20th century.

Women started getting more and more say in choosing a partner for them, at young ages. Consequently, they started to wonder, if there is a particular type of man that they attract.

In one line, the type of men you attract or you have interest in is your men type, or the type of men you would be compatible with.

What is My Men Type Quiz- Calculation

But why do you need to know your man type?

Well, my friend, there is no straight answer to it. Some women just want to know it for fun, while others seriously want to know what kind of men they attract (and why?)

Don’t worry you don’t have to put any math in finding out your life partner but you can surely know what kind of men you attract. Just to you know, be on the safer edge, and hunt for red flags. Or both?

Why Do We Need Men type of Quiz?

As we know there is no shortcut to getting a life partner or an algorithm to get the man of your dreams. Life always gives you choices and you have to go with the infamous and dangerous, hit-and-trial method to get to that perfect relationship in your life.

However, some curious people like you do not want to be the bad guy in anybody’s story and hunt for the type of men quiz. These quizzes will not give you a life partner in skin and bone.

It is completely normal to keep your heart from breaking up that is one of the main reasons why a men-type quiz for women was made.

Other than that, we have this tiny hope, that maybe we would be able to find a better partner if we get to know what type of men we attract. Honestly, you would want to try for that kind of guy, right?

What is My Men Type Quiz- Why do we need a Men type quiz?

But if you are looking to become a messiah for them girls, who want to find their men type, you can take a men-type test or a men-type quiz and we will take you through all of the steps involved.

How to Make a Men-type Quiz?

Now, that we are here to make a men-type quiz, we will need to know what are some characteristics that make a man and how can you inculcate it in the quiz called “What is my type in men?”

But what are the different types of guys? or do we have different types of guys quiz? Well, we don’t. And honestly, every man or woman is different so, it is very difficult to create a quiz for all the different types of men that exist.

Different types of guys could be:

  • The Romantic Guy
  • The Hot Guy
  • The Ambitious Guy
  • The Partier
  • The Musician
  • The Guy Who Likes You
  • The Guy Who You Like
  • The Genius Guy

However, we can coagulate some information and make a men type quiz, which will be a user-oriented quiz, for different answers, you get a different men type, interesting right?

Step 1: Installing the QSM plugin

To make the quiz, firstly, you have to download the WordPress Quiz plugin, Quiz and Survey Master. This plugin is the best quiz and survey plugin for your WordPress website.

You can download the QSM plugin from the link given below or directly from the WordPress website.

What is My Men Type Quiz- Installing and Activation

Step 2: Creating Questions

Questions in this quiz have to be made female-oriented. There could be some questions where you can add pictures or gifs to your quiz questions.

While designing the questions you need to make sure that it does not have to overpower or overdo the point of focus. Essentially, you can add questions like “does honesty attract you?” but there is an inception that no one hates honesty, right?

Some samples questions could be:

  • Are you like your father more or your mother?
  • In school, did you have a powerful position?
  • Have you been attracted to someone in a powerful position?
  • Which boys are the hottest in high school?
  • What would you prefer as a profession?
  • Who would pay the bill on the date?
  • How would you describe yourself in one word?
  • Who are you more attracted to?

Step 3: Creating a Quiz

After your questions are decided you can now make the quiz. You can add pictures to your answers while entering the question, you can do so by selecting your answer type as “Image Answers”

What is My Men Type Quiz- Creating Questions
What is My Men Type Quiz- Creating Questions

If you want to keep the answers simple and in text, you can leave the setting as default and answer type as “Text Answer”

Other than that, you can also add a featured image for the complete question, which would be displayed under the question, to make people understand your question better.


Step 4: Publishing the Quiz

After your quiz is made, you can see the preview and look for loopholes or additions according to the requirement.

But before publishing the quiz, you have to make sure your results page is well built. You can add different results pages for different men-type quiz results.

What is My Men Type Quiz- Creating Results Page
What is My Men Type Quiz- Creating Results Page

In fact, there can be four different result pages for four different conditions or maybe two for two different conditions.

You can add a results page according to your wish and conditions. For example, we have put two result pages, one of them showing the results for a nerdy and shy guy while the other for the bold and bossy type. This is how you can create your results page.

What is My Men Type Quiz- Publishing the Quiz

After your results pages fall into place as per the requirement, you can simply publish the quiz for people to see and share. You can also share it on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or on your socials like Snapchat to increase reach.


What is a Men-type quiz?

For many generations and we thank the Gen-Y for this slang to go viral back in the early 20th century.
Women started getting more and more say in choosing a partner for them, at young ages. Consequently, they started to wonder, if there is a particular type of man that they attract.
In one line, the type of men you attract or you have an interest in, is your men type, or the type of men you would be compatible with.

What is your red flag test?

It is a questionnaire that unveils some of the loopholes in your relationship or your partner. You can make a red flag test using the QSM plugin just like the men type quiz!

How do you know someone is your type?

“The individual who is actually your type has certain shared ideals and interests, is trustworthy, and has good morals,” So what do you get if you’re with someone who is passionately in love with you and shares your interests and ideals? They also have a strong characters. Your true type is here.


From this blog, you could have understood how can you make a men-type quiz using the WordPress quiz plugin, Quiz and Survey Master. If you have any doubts, you can create a quiz for yourself by following the above steps and sharing it with your friends and clients.

If you are a relationship expert, you can easily host a “What Type of Men do I attract?” quiz for your female audience, and generate traffic for your WordPress website.

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