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How to add Text Sections

After adding questions to your quiz and setting up a contact form, it’s time to customize the text that users will see. First, navigate to the Quizzes page, then click the edit link beneath the quiz you want to edit. On the Quiz Settings page, select the Text tab.

The Text tab is further split into three sections: General, QSM Variables, and Labels.


In the Select Message section, you’ll find different messages that can be displayed to users. We’ll explain their meanings and how they’re used in the quiz or survey.

QSM Text - General

Text Before Quiz: You can display a message, image, or video before the quiz starts, like guidelines or a greeting. You can include variables like %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE%.

Text for Comment Box: If the Comment Field is enabled, you can display a message before the comment box, using variables like %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE%.

Text After Quiz: After the quiz, display a message, thank you note, or a link. You can use %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE% variables, or leave it blank.

Text for Limited Attempts: If a user exceeds the quiz attempt limit, show them a message. You can set attempt limits in the Options Tab and use %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE% variables.

Text for Registered Users: Display a message for quizzes that require user login, using %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE% variables.

Text for Expired Quiz: Show a message if the quiz is accessed outside its start and end date. Set quiz dates in the Options Tab, using %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE% variables.

Text for Limited Entries: If the quiz reaches its entry limit, display a message. Set entry limits in the Options Tab, using %QUIZ_NAME% and %CURRENT_DATE% variables.

Twitter Sharing Text: Allows users to share their quiz results on Twitter, using various shortcodes like %CORRECT_SCORE% and %QUIZ_NAME%.

Facebook Sharing Text: Enables users to share their quiz results on Facebook, with shortcodes similar to those for Twitter.

QSM Variables

QSM Variables offer pre-set variables for customizing the Results Page and Email Pages.

QSM Text - Variables


This option lets you show a custom message on the Results or Emails Page, featuring:

  • The question (%QUESTION%)
  • The user’s answer (%USER_ANSWER%)
  • The correct answer set by the quiz admin (%CORRECT_ANSWER%)
  • User comments (%USER_COMMENTS%)

Additionally, you can display:

  • Points scored on the question (%QUESTION_POINT_SCORE%)
  • Maximum points for the question (%QUESTION_MAX_POINTS%)

A new template variable (%USER_ANSWERS_DEFAULT%) visually enhances quiz results. Correct answers are marked with a green circle icon and text, incorrect answers with a red cross icon and text, and other answers in grey.

Note: For question types like number, fill in the blank, small answer, and paragraph, only two answers are displayed. If the answer is correct, it’s shown with a green circle icon and green text. If the answer is incorrect, the user’s wrong answer appears with a red circle icon and red text, alongside the correct answer marked with a green circle icon and green text.

The default message format is:



This option lets you send a custom message via email, incorporating shortcodes to detail the quiz interaction:

  • %Question%: Shows the question answered by the user.
  • %USER_ANSWER%: Displays the user’s response.
  • %CORRECT_ANSWER%: Reveals the correct answer.
  • %USER_COMMENTS%: Shows any comments the user made.
  • %CORRECT_ANSWER_INFO%: Explains why the answer is correct.

The default format for displaying the message is:

Answer Provided: %USER_ANSWER%
Correct Answer: %CORRECT_ANSWER%
Comments Entered: %USER_COMMENTS%

Allowed Variables

When editing a message from the Select Message Dropdown, you’ll see a list of permitted template variables to customize the messages.


The Labels Options allow you to modify the default text on Quiz Navigation Buttons, Validation Messages, and other settings.

QSM Text - Labels

You can customize the following default settings:

Button Labels

  • Submit Button: Submits the quiz or survey
  • Retake Button: Retakes the quiz or survey
  • Previous Button: Goes to the previous quiz or survey page
  • Next Button: Goes to the next quiz or survey page
  • Start Quiz Button: Begins the quiz or survey from the start page
  • No Answer Text: Displays when no answer is provided
  • Deselect Answer Text: Allows changing the text for deselecting an answer

Validation Messages

Change default messages for validation errors like missing fields, invalid email, number, URL, incorrect lengths, and captcha.

Other Texts

  • Customize texts for comments field, hint, correct/incorrect answer messages, and the quiz submission/processing message.


Contains old labels that will be removed in future versions of QSM

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