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How to Boost Email Marketing Efforts Using Quiz and Survey Master?

Did you know that email marketing is one of the most effective ways of reaching prospective and existing customers?  We all get emails, in fact, we all get a ton of emails every day. We move most of them directly to the trash or spam folder without even reading it. 

A poorly composed email is the outcome of bad email marketing. As email marketing is one of the most important parts of marketing your product and services, it is important to make an email that encourages sales. 

Quiz and Survey Master is an amazing WordPress quiz plugin, that helps you grow your business by making amazing quizzes and surveys to keep your user engaged with your brand. You can collect users’ information and build a mailing list for campaigns. 

Here, in this blog, we will show you how you can boost your email marketing. 

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the most efficient direct marketing strategy as well as a digital marketing strategy of sending emails to prospects and customers. Good email marketing can convert prospects into customers and one-time buyers into loyal fans. 

Email marketing helps you build a relationship with your audience and also drives traffic to your blog post or social media or anywhere you want to visit them. It helps in lead generation and brand awareness. If your email marketing ROI is less, there are few steps you can take to make it more effective and impressive. 

How to Improve Email Marketing?

1. Segment Your Email List

There can be some users interested in coupons and discounts while some other can be interested in new arrivals. So, segment your email list and understand who are you sending your emails to. This is also known as targeted email marketing. Providing relevant information about your brand in the form of emails can encourage higher sales and profits to the brand.

2. Mobile-Optimized Emails

There can be your users who see your emails on mobile. And if you have not made your emails mobile-optimized, your users will find it difficult to read them. So, if you don’t want your emails to be sent directly to the trash, focus on responsive emails. Another way to design mobile-optimized emails is to opt for single-column designs that work within a vertical scroll and not in a horizontal scroll. 

3. Effective Subject Line

The subject is the deciding factor whether your audience is going to read the email or not. A good subject line can compel your users to purchase a product or a service and a bad subject line can make the way for the email directly to the spam folder. So, a subject line can make or break an email marketing campaign strategy.

4. Personalize Your Emails

A user might receive a ton of marketing emails. If someone opens your email, they are most likely to delete it without scrolling if you don’t grab their attention. Collect customers’ information and use that information to make your emails more personalized. Emails with personalization definitely have more click-throughs. 

5. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

If you don’t have a clear call to action, you are definitely going to face minimal results. If the user doesn’t find out what they are supposed to do, he/she might delete the mail. So, it is very important to have a good and clear CTA, which conveys what the user is supposed to do. 

Email Martketing - Poster

How to Use Qsm to Boost Your Email Marketing?

Quiz and Survey Master is an amazing WordPress quiz plugin, that helps you in various ways like collecting users’ information and boost email marketing. It has multiple addons that make your work a lot easier. Few add-ons which might help you in email marketing are listed below. 

1. Mailchimp 

This addon in Quiz and Survey Master allows integration to Mailchimp service. Depending on the contact information you collect from the users like their name, phone number, email, you can pass that to Mailchimp using this addon. Now, all your users who take a quiz or a survey will be added to your Mailchimp list. 

2. ConvertKit Integration 

This add-on allows you to subscribe audience to your forms, courses, and tags in ConvertKit. You can choose whether you want your users to ask before subscribing or you can do an automatic subscription. 

3. Drip Integration

This add-on allows you to integrate Quiz and Survey Master to the Drip service. Enable it after installing and setting up some automatic subscriptions for users after taking quizzes/surveys. You can even add custom tags and assign campaigns to the subscribers. 

4. Get Response

This addon allows you to add your quiz taker or survey taker to the list of Get Response. Select which quiz or survey should be integrated with this and if you want your users to present with a checkbox for a subscription. You can control which list of the users should be subscribed and which shouldn’t.

5. AWeber

This add-on allows your plugin Quiz and Survey Master to integrate with AWeber. If you are using a checkbox, for users to ask them if they want to subscribe, you can edit that checkbox with some text. Here also, you can set up an automatic subscription. 

6. Mailpoet

This addon allows adding the users who take your quizzes and surveys to the Mailpoet list.  Here also, you can do an automatic subscription for the quiz taker and survey takers or you can ask them before subscribing with a checkbox. 

7. ActiveCampaigns

This addon allows integration with ActiveCampaigns. Active Campaign creates optimized customer experiences by automating much behind-the-scenes marketing and sales.

8. Campaign Monitor

This addon also adds your quiz and survey-takers to your Campaign Monitor mail list. You can create an email marketing database by quizzes and surveys and reach your audience for future opportunities and marketing. 

These are just a few addons to boost email marketing. Quiz and Survey Master has a Pro Bundle, which contains such useful addons. This bundle will definitely save you time and money. QSM Pro Bundle is a must-buy, as it will help you increase sales and keep track of your business. 


We hope this blog is about email marketing has got you clear some basics. When you take time to build your mailing list, support it with amazing marketing campaigns. This will definitely increase your brand awareness which in turn results in higher profits.

Quiz and Survey Master has various addons which will definitely boost your email marketing and will increase ROI. We recommend QSM Pro Bundle, as it is a bundle of such amazing and useful addons. You can use them while making a quiz/survey to make your work a lot easier. 

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