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Grading System

Quiz and Survey Master allows for three different grading systems for yourQSM Grading System Explained quizzes and surveys: correct / incorrect, points, or both. You can set a different system for each quiz or survey.

To choose which system your quiz uses, do the following:

  1. Find the quiz you want to set in the main quiz and surveys window. (The list of quizzes and surveys that you have created.)
  2. Underneath the name of your quiz or survey, click ‘Edit’.
  3. Go to the Options tab
  4. Change the “Grading System” option to the system you want.

The correct/incorrect system allows for you to set up your quiz to show percentages based on your overall score. You can select which answers are correct and you can show different results pages based on the percentage score the user earned from the quiz. You can also send different emails based on the percentage score if emails are enabled.

The points system allows you to assign points to the answers which are added together at the end of the quiz. You can show different results pages based on the total points the user earned from the quiz. You can also send different emails based on the total points if emails are enabled.

And, using both option you can enable both the correct/incorrect system and points system and use it on the results page.

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