Campaign Monitor Integration
Run Complex Marketing campaigns with Campaign Monitor and expand your subscriber list by adding individuals who attempt your quizzes and surveys!
Zapier Integration
By automating your work, this plugin can save you time and help you achieve more powerful results. Connect various services and send your results to over 700 websites.
Ultimate Addon Pack
Get all of our Quiz Master Next addons with a substantial discount with unlimited updates and support for as long as you use them. All of the addons in this pack have the developer license (unlimited sites).
Slack Integration
Get notified on Slack whenever someone takes your quiz/survey. Receive a personalized message to your specified channel with the Slack Integration plugin.
Premium Support
Get access to premium support and always be a priority in our support. We will provide technical support and even access your site to solve your problems. With premium support, we will answer your responses as quickly as possible and your feature requests will be priorities in our future updates.
Developer Addon Pack
Get all of our Quiz Master Next addons with a substantial discount. All of the addons in this pack have the developer license (unlimited sites).
Get a gradebook with all of the user’s average points and average scores on quizzes and tests to see what the user has earned and when.
Daily Limit
Stop duplicate quizzes/survey attempts by limiting users to a certain number of submissions each day.
Business Addon Pack
Get 9 of the most popular Quiz Master Next add-ons at a great discount with a business license (2-5 sites). For just $85, you receive $199 worth of add-ons.
Extra Template Variables
Get the 5 more template variables and add more quiz and survey data to your emails and results page.