
fortune featured image

The Fortune theme is suitable for conducting surveys, getting reviews, and user feedback. The Fortune theme can help you in improving your conversion rates. Out of the box, the theme’s unique design and color accents make your quizzes and surveys look delightful. It also comes loaded with many customization options so that you can adapt the design as per your brand.

Fortune theme supports all of the question types available in QSM but we have done something special with the following question types:

  • Multiple Choice (Horizontal)
  • Multiple Response (Horizontal)

With the fortune theme installed and activated, you will see an additional text box to add labels to these question types. This allows you to create layouts that look something like the image below.

Fortune Showcase

More Highlights

Animated Progress Bar

The Fortune theme comes with a fresh and appealing progress bar. You can show the current page number in the progress bar. When you navigate through the quiz, the progress bar will update its position and page number along with a subtle animation.

Smart Timer

Fortune theme has its own uniquely styled timer which looks minimal and is placed in a way that doesn’t distract the users. The color of the timer changes every 15 seconds when there is less than 1 minute remaining. This creates a very subtle effect to represent the urgency when the time is about to run out.

Featured Image for Pages

You can set a different featured image on every page once you have selected manual pagination mode for your quiz or survey. This helps in creating quizzes and surveys that are less boring for the end user.

Customization Options

The Fortune Theme is completely customizable. You can easily change the appearance of the progress bar, buttons, answers, etc. These settings enable you to use a color scheme that matches your overall website.

Fortune Theme Settings

License & Documentation

QSM Fortune theme is compatible with QSM v8.0.7 and higher, it comes with a 1-year License & updates.

View Fortune Theme’s Documentation

The following demos have been created using this theme.

Similar Themes

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1.5.0 (February 28, 2025)

  • Feature: Added feature to customize the theme's default settings

1.4.0 (December 04, 2024)

  • Bug: Resolved an issue with the "Hide Previous Button" option
  • Bug: Fixed a problem with the "Per Page" label display
  • Enhancement: Addressed timer color inconsistencies
  • Enhancement: Improved the user interface for the polar slider, multiple choice, and multiple response options
  • Enhancement: Enhanced the progress bar, contact form design, and overall responsiveness

1.3.0 (September 03, 2024)

  • Feature: Added support for changing font families

1.2.2 (July 31, 2024)

  • Bug: Fixed JS issue with the progress bar

1.2.1 (July 24, 2024)

  • Bug: Fixed issue while updating primary button color
  • Enhancement: Improved UI of image matching pair question

1.2.0 (July 19, 2024)

  • Bug: Fixed progress bar display issue
  • Bug: Fixed layout of horizontal multiple choice question

1.1.1 (May 31, 2024)

  • Feature: Added option to change timer format

1.1.0 (October 10, 2023)

  • Feature: Added an option to display the pages name in quiz
  • Enhancement: Improved messaging in file upload type questions
  • Enhancement: Added RTL language support

1.0.5 (August 14, 2023)

  • Bug: Resolved the progress bar overlapping issue
  • Bug: Resolved PHP warnings related to updating the license
  • Enhancement: Improved auto-pagination UI

1.0.4 (August 02, 2023)

  • Feature: Added an option to change timer labels
  • Bug: Resolved the issue with the show/hide progress bar option
  • Enhancement: Improved the progress bar UI

1.0.3 (May 11, 2023)

  • Feature: Added option to customize back button color
  • Bug: Fixed progress bar issue
  • Bug: Fixed issue with featured image when auto pagination is on

1.0.2 (February 02, 2023)

  • Feature: added option to set color opacity

1.0.1 (January 25, 2023)

  • Bug: Fixed issue with previous button text

1.0.0 (December 02, 2022)

  • Initial Release