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The Astonishing Secrets of Creating Brand Awareness Surveys (5 minutes read)

The Astonishing Secrets of Creating Brand Awareness Surveys 5 minutes read

Is your brand on the first minds of clients when they want to buy something? Brand awareness surveys can be a potent measure of a company’s effectiveness in attracting its target market. Customers that can recall your brand on their own are a sign that your product is well-positioned in the market. If you are […]

How to Export Quiz Results with Export Results Addon: Simplified (6 minutes read)

How to Export Quiz Results with Export Results Addon Simplified 6 minutes read

The Export Results addon by Quiz and Survey Master plugin is the game changer in the quiz-making industry! In this blog, we will learn all about the export results addon, its working, and its advantages. But before we dive deep into the discussion, we would first understand how the exporting of quiz results helps and […]