QSM Changelog
10.0.2 ( March 02, 2025 )
- Hotfix: Fixed issue while creating new post/page
- Enhancement: Improved question saving option in QSM block
10.0.1 ( March 01, 2025 )
- Hotfix: Resolved JS warning while saving email template
10.0.0 ( Fabuary 28, 2025 )
- Feature: Added options to import and create email and result templates
- Feature: Enabled saving questions as drafts
- Feature: Added the ability to link a question across multiple quizzes
- Feature: Added an option to share quizzes on LinkedIn
- Feature: Added a setting to prevent duplicate emails when multiple logic conditions are met
- Feature: Added an option to disable scrolling while submitting a quiz
- Bug: Fixed an issue with inline drop-down question types
- Enhancement: Improved question search feature in question bank
- Enhancement: Improved UI across Quiz, Text, Option, and Email, Result pages
- Enhancement: Enhanced the UI for Dashboard and other related pages
9.2.4 ( December 30, 2024 )
- Bug: Resolved issue with %TOTAL_QUESTIONS% variable
- Bug: Resolved issue with %MAXIMUM_POINTS% variable
9.2.3 ( December 13, 2024 )
- Bug: Resolved issue where contact form not showing at quiz end
- Bug: Resolved quiz timer issue for single-page quizzes
- Bug: Fixed PHP warning related to the CONTACT_X variable
- Enhancement: Enhanced the Captcha question type canvas for RTL websites
- Enhancement: Refined user role permissions for improved access control
9.2.2 ( November 06, 2024 )
- Bug: Fixed issue with text displaying before quiz options
- Bug: Resolved issue with left/right arrow keys in the quiz input box
- Enhancement: Updated API to retrieve results by user ID
9.2.1 ( October 16, 2024 )
- Bug: Resolved vulnerability issue with question settings
- Bug: Fixed issue with fill in the blanks question type while using random answers
- Bug: Fixed php warning with user permission function
9.2.0 ( October 07, 2024 )
- Bug: Resolved HTML tag issue with the %USER_ANSWER% variable
- Bug: Fixed the issue with contact form position settings
- Bug: Resolved warning issue in the %TIME_FINISHED% variable
- Enhancement: Optimized performance for random question logic
- Enhancement: Improved user permissions and added additional security checks
9.1.3 ( September 12, 2024 )
- Feature: Added placeholder customization for short answer and paragraph questions
- Bug: Resolved vulnerability issue with question settings
- Bug: Fixed issue with undefined page redirection
9.1.2 ( August 22, 2024 )
• Bug: Resolved issue preventing global settings from being saved
• Bug: Resolved progress bar issue in quiz popups
• Enhancement: Reordered real-time answer settings
• Enhancement: Added control in video shortcode
9.1.1 ( July 26, 2024 )
• Feature: Added option to blacklist email domains in contact form
• Bug: Fixed vulnerability with redirect result URL
• Bug: Fixed issue with question sorting
• Enhancement: Improved quiz navigation with keyboard
• Enhancement: Checked compatibility with WordPress 6.6 and PHP 8.3
9.1.0 ( July 11, 2024 )
• Feature: Added case-sensitive option to paragraph and short answers question types
• Bug: Fixed vulnerability with quiz settings
• Bug: Fixed PHP error with quiz categories
• Enhancement: Added option to check database structure
9.0.5 ( June 19, 2024 )
• Bug: Resolved a security vulnerability
• Bug: Fixed the wpApiSettings JavaScript error
• Bug: Fixed an issue with & character in email templates
• Bug: Fixed the date contact field issue
• Enhancement: Improved contact field UI
9.0.4 ( June 10, 2024 )
• Enhancement: Improved HTML code management on the result page
9.0.3 ( June 08, 2024 )
• Bug: Fixed issue with QSM block first question title
• Bug: Fixed issue with next button in single question quiz
• Enhancement: Improved notification messages for better clarity and enhanced user experience
9.0.2 ( June 05, 2024 )
- Bug: Fixed security vulnerability
- Bug: Resolved an issue causing incorrect display of shortcodes due to invalid quiz IDs
- Bug: Improved user permission checks and input validation for question deletion
- Bug: Fixed validation issue with contact fields
- Feature: Users can resubmit or delete failed submissions
- Enhancement: Improved logic for handling migration queries
- Enhancement: Improved functionality for clicking the Enter key
- Enhancement: Added a Failed Submissions list to the QSM menu
- Enhancement: Improved admin notifications
9.0.1 (April 25, 2024)
- Bug: Fixed date format in %ANSWER_X% variable
- Bug: Resolved PHP warning in Quiz Block editor
- Bug: Fixed an issue in showing the correct answers in a quiz while using random answers
- Enhancement: Improved text feature to accept other language characters in quiz page names
- Enhancement: Added support for using emojis in quiz questions, result pages, and email templates
9.0.0 (March 27, 2024)
- Feature: Implemented a minimum length requirement for text-based question types
- Feature: Introduced a placeholder option for contact fields
- Feature: Added option to set default setting to multiple quizzes
- Feature: Added keyboard navigation functionality to quizzes
- Feature: Implemented support for rounding off points-based variables
- Feature: Integrated APIs for submitting and accessing quizzes and results
- Feature: Added option to duplicate result and email templates
- Bug: Fixed multiple option contact fields translation issue
- Bug: Fixed fill in the blanks question type translation issue
- Bug: Fixed an issue related to quiz submission when using the same quiz twice on the same page
- Bug: Fixed issue with limit questions categorized incorrectly
- Enhancement: Enhanced the user interface of option tabs for improved usability
- Enhancement: Improved the user interface of the upload files question type
- Enhancement: Improve result and email page UI
8.2.3 (March 12, 2024)
- Bug: Fixed issue with inline result while duplicating quizzes
- Bug: Patched a vulnerability related to the result page
- Enhancement: Improve contact fields UI
8.2.2 (January 18, 2024)
- Feature: Added an option to mark texts as code snippets in the question description
- Bug: Fixed the issue of skipping question validation after the quiz timer ends
- Bug: Fixed issue when using apostrophe in fill-in-the-blanks questions
- Bug: Fixed the quiz navigation problem with reCAPTCHA
- Enhancement: Improved auto-pause logic for embedded audio when shifting pages.
8.2.1 (January 05, 2024)
- Feature: Added option to delete bulk questions
- Bug: Resolved JavaScript conflicts
- Bug: Fixed translation issue on quiz result page
- Enhancement: Improved logic to auto pause emabded video after changing page
8.2.0 (December 15, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to change deselect answer text
- Feature: Added option to duplicate quiz theme settings
- Bug: Fixed issue related to limiting random questions by category
- Bug: Fixed issue with images and video tags in the correct answer info
- Enhancement: Improved login form validations
- Enhancement: Improved performance by optimizing cookies
8.1.19 (November 08, 2023)
- Feature: Added an option to display result URLs on the admin result page
- Bug: Resolved Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability
- Enhancement: Improved quiz timer performance
- Enhancement: Added a user alert message for cases where results will not be stored in the database
8.1.18 (October 26, 2023)
- Enhancement: Updated the message when you submit a quiz in draft mode
8.1.17 (October 11, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to include custom text when the answer choice limit exceeds in multiple response type questions.
- Feature: Added a new feature to accept shortcodes in the text set to display at the end of quizzes.
- Bug: Fixed issues with HTML tags in exported PDFs
- Bug: Fixed issues with HTML tags in question descriptions
- Bug: Fixed issue with the ‘Required box’ unchecking itself
- Bug: Patched a vulnerability related to draft quiz submissions
8.1.16 (September 20, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to use random question and answer with manual pagination
- Bug: Fix quiz score calculation issue with file upload question types
- Enhancement: Improved nonce validation logic
8.1.15 (September 11, 2023)
- Bug: Fixed issue causing numeric responses of 0 to display as “No Answer Provided” in emails
- Bug: Fixed issue with next button while using manual pagination
- Bug: Fixed WPML issue with retake and start buttons
- Bug: Fixed custom CSS issue
- Enhancement: Improve file upload question type functionality
- Enhancement: Improve nonce validation logic
- Enhancement: Improved RTL (Right-to-Left) layout support
8.1.14 (August 24, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to change text label for “No answer provided”
- Bug: Resolved the issue where the timer would continue to display in the page title even after being disabled
- Bug: Addressed several PHP warnings
- Bug: Patched a vulnerability to prevent race conditions during submission
- Bug: Fixed Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in question description
- Enhancement: Included an option to underline text in the editor
8.1.13 (August 02, 2023)
- Bug: Fixed translation issue with German letters
- Bug: Resolved quiz store issue related to long quiz URLs
- Bug: Fixed issue with inline CSS class in quiz answer selection
8.1.12 (July 20, 2023)
- Bug: The HTML tag issue with the admin result page has been resolved
- Bug: Fixed issue with question position on manual pagination
- Bug: Resolved the issue related to multiple responses showing in the inline result option
- Enhancement: Significant performance improvements have been made to the show inline result feature
8.1.11 (July 14, 2023)
- Bug: Resolved problem causing a blank screen upon submission
- Bug: Rectified issues with the layout of the progress bar
- Bug: Fixed security vulnerabilities and enhanced overall system protection
8.1.10 (June 30, 2023)
- Bug: Fixed issues with timer after 8.1.9 release
8.1.9 (June 28, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to disable quiz public links
- Feature: Added option to apply global setting on multiple quizzes
- Feature: Added the ability to set a default text for unanswered questions
- Feature: Added option to store failed quiz submitted data
- Feature: Added option to enable/disable QSM logs
- Bug: Fixed visiblity issue with next button on comment screen
- Bug: Fixed correct answer logic issue with multi choice question type
8.1.8 (June 13, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to end quiz after x number of wrong answers
- Feature: Added option to display the start and end dates of quizzes in the result list
- Bug: Fixed issue with correct answer logic while applying global setting
- Bug: Resolved hyperlink problem with multiple answer in email.
- Enhancement: Improve show inline result UX
- Enhancement: Improve questions hint tooltip UI
- Enhancement: Implemented various improvements to enhance the user experience of the quiz admin panel
8.1.7 (May 22, 2023)
- Feature: Now users can set separate question limits for individual categories.
- Bug: Fixed issues with ending a quiz if wrong answer is selected
- Enhancement: Enhanced the validation flow for the “end quiz if wrong answer” option.
- Enhancement: Added a warning alert to notify users when they attempt to save invalid variables in the result or email template
- Enhancement: Improved the functionality of nonce validation
- Enhancement: Enhanced the user interface for displaying multiple response results
- Enhancement: Improved the user experience for the “show inline result” option
8.1.6 (April 24, 2023)
- Bug: Resolved a JavaScript conflict with the Avada theme
- Bug: PHP warnings related to disallowing submission after quiz expiry have been fixed
- Bug: Fixed issue with end quiz if there is wrong answer option
- Bug: Corrected decimal and negative points calculations associated with point-related variables
- Bug: Fixed visiblity issue with start button
8.1.5 (April 13, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to display inline results for fill-in-the-blank and dropdown question types
- Bug: Resolved an issue with the next button when multiple quizzes are used on the same page
- Bug: Fixed a critical error on the result page
- Bug: Addressed security and vulnerability concerns
- Bug: Resolved an issue with hidden required questions validation
- Bug: Fixed the correct answer information issue when importing questions from the question bank
- Enhancement: Improved the user interface of the categories dropdown in the Options tab
8.1.4 (March 31, 2023)
- Hotfix: Resolved an issue where the submit button appeared twice
8.1.3 (March 29, 2023)
- Feature: Added Select and Radio input types as new features for contact fields
- Bug: Resolved an issue where the submit button was not visible when pagination was used
- Bug: Fixed submit button label rename issue with auto pagination
- Bug: Fixed a problem with rounding scores
- Bug: Improved security and resolved vulnerability issues
- Bug: Corrected a validation issue with contact field checkboxes
- Enhancement: Checked and confirmed compatibility with WordPress version 6.2
8.1.2 (March 15, 2023)
- Hotfix: Fixed submit button visiblity issue with random question option
8.1.1 (March 09, 2023)
- Feature: Added an option to highlight the correct answer if the user selected the wrong answer
- Feature: Added an option to show/hide the question’s featured image on the result page
- Bug: Fixed an issue with adding a class for the correct/incorrect answers option
- Bug: Fixed an encoding issue in the email header
- Bug: Fixed an issue with immediately ending the quiz if the user selects the wrong answer in pagination
- Enhancement: Improved the user interface for the question bank popup and options tabs
- Enhancement: Improved the user interface for the quiz next and submit buttons
8.1.0 (Feb 27, 2023)
- Feature: Added a new feature that allows users to show or hide correct answers on the result page
- Bug: Fixed a bug that caused issues with the required field for the polar question type
- Bug: Fixed security and vulnerability issues that were identified in the plugin
- Bug: Fixed a bug that caused issues with displaying results inline for the short answer type
- Enhancement: Improved user interface for editor
8.0.10 (Feb 02, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to set theme color transparency
- Bug: Fixed issue with %TIMER_MINUTES% variable
- Bug: Fixed issue with duplicate question position
8.0.9 (Jan 25, 2023)
- Feature: Added option to move a question on specified page/position
- Feature: Added image answer type support for horizontal multiple response questions
- Feature: Added separate button on first page to start quiz/survey
- Bug: Fixed issue with fill in the blank question type causing conflict with other plugins
- Bug: Fixed question position issue while duplicating questions
- Bug: Fixed issue with %TIMER_MINUTES% variable
- Bug: Fixed security issues
- Enhancement: Improved format of wrong answers in emails
8.0.8 (Dec 15, 2022)
- Bug: Fixed issue with short answer question type
- Bug: Fixed security issues
- Bug: Fixed compatibility issues with php v7 or older
8.0.7 (Dec 05, 2022)
- Feature: Added option to show and hide Text/HTML question type on result page
- Bug: Fixed block.js warnings
- Bug: Fixed issue with required questions validations
8.0.6 (Nov 22, 2022)
- Feature: Added option to search by quiz in question bank
- Feature: Added option to set image size in email template
- Bug: Fixed timer issue with multiple quiz shortcodes
- Bug: Fixed issue with german and french language questions
- Enhancement: Added alert for non active question types
- Enhancement: Improved UI in text tabs
8.0.5 (Oct 20, 2022)
- Bug: Fixed issue with random question and answers
- Bug: Fixed issue with quiz timer
- Bug: Fixed issue with file size limit
- Bug: Fixed security and Vulnerability issues.
- Enhancement: Improved UI for required fields validation message
- Enhancement: Improved UI in polar question
- Enhancement: Improved UI in Opt-in question
8.0.4 (September 29, 2022)
- Feature: Added captions for image answer on result page
- Bug: Fixed issue with themes list in style tab
- Bug: Fixed issue with quiz end date
- Bug: Fixed issue with labels for opt-in question type
- Bug: Fixed PHP warning and errors with inactive quiz themes
- Enhancement: Minor UI improvements
- Enhancement: Improved Image alignment in image type answers
8.0.3 (July 26, 2022)
- Feature: Added option to enable/disable case sensitive answer for fill-in blank question
- Feature: Added option to enable/disable MathJax
- Feature: Added option to enable/disable emails notifications
- Feature: Added option to set images size for image type answers
- Feature: Added %ANSWER_X% variables to show user’s answer to a specific question
- Feature: Added translation support for all Javascript string messages
- Feature: Added image answer support for polar question type
- Bug: Fixed display issue with leaderboard customization block
- Bug: Fixed issue with questions count in quiz list page
- Bug: Fixed issue with %QUESTION_ANSWER_X% variables
- Bug: Fixed issue while deleting/duplicating old quizzes
- Bug: Fixed issue with timer while using pagination
- Enhancement: Improved UI for image type answers options
8.0.2 (June 23, 2022)
- Bug: Fixed scoring issue while using random questions
- Bug: Fixed issue with file question type validation settings
- Bug: Fixed issue with video player in rich text answer type
8.0.1 (June 17, 2022)
- Hotfix: Fixed issues while using random questions with question limit
8.0 (June 13, 2022)
- Feature: Added WPML compatibility
- Feature: Added option to select correct answer logic
- Feature: Added option to show and hide Opt-in question type on result page
- Feature: Added validation options in contact form fields
- Enhancement: Improved UI for question editor in admin panel
- Enhancement: Redesigned contact tab interface in admin panel
- Enhancement: Autosave last question when user creates new question
- Enhancement: Added column to show the number of questions in quiz list
- Enhancement: Added qsm_results_css_inliner hook to edit email template
- Bug: Fixed issue with quiz links
- Bug: Fixed deletion issue with trash quizzes
- Bug: Fixed issues with random questions order
- Bug: Fixed issue while updating quiz title
- Bug: Fixed issue with duplicate question while importing from question bank
- Bug: Fixed JS issue with polar question type
- Bug: Fixed several PHP warning and errors
- Bug: Fixed issue with HTML tags in answer text editor
7.3.14 (April 5, 2022)
- Bug: Fixed issue with paragraph question type
- Bug: Fixed issue with qmn_register_my_templates hook
- Bug: Fixed issue with %CATEGORY_POINTS_X% template variable
- Bug: Fixed issue with question numbers in email
- Bug: Fixed issue with elementor popup
- Bug: Issue fixed with touch devices
- Feature: Added option to set default number of answers
- Feature: Added option to search questions from question bank
- Enhancement: Made UI improvements in polar question
7.3.13 (March 14, 2022)
- Bug: Fixed issue with comments field UI
- Bug: Fixed issue with support Link
- Bug: Fixed issue with %CATEGORY_SCORE_X% template variable
- Bug: Fixed issue while using multiple quiz shortcodes
- Bug: Fixed issue with qmn_register_my_templates hook
- Bug: Fixed issue with answer text limit
- Bug: Fixed issue while using limit questions with random questions
- Feature: Added option to customize the label of Retake Quiz Button
7.3.12 (February 18, 2022)
- Hotfix: Fixed compatibility issues with php 8
7.3.11 (February 17, 2022)
- Bug: Fixed validation issues with limit multiple choice option
- Bug: Fixed issue while creating new quiz
- Bug: Fixed issue where empty answers are marked as correct
- Bug: Fixed issue with quiz dashboard
- Bug: Fixed issue with random questions & answers
- Bug: Fixed issue with template variable %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS_EMAIL%
- Bug: Fixed validation issues with dropdown field
- Bug: Fixed issue while importing questions from question bank
- Bug: Fixed issue while saving multiple results pages
- Bug: Fixed various security vulnerabilities
- Feature: Added new template variable %FINISHED_TIME%
- Enhancement: Made UI improvements in question numbers
7.3.10 (January 28, 2022)
- Checked compatibility with WordPress 5.9
- Bug: Fixed UI issues in QSM dashboard banner
- Bug: Fixed CURRENT_DATE template variable with certificate addon
- Bug: Fixed CATEGORY_SCORE_X template variable
- Bug: Fixed incorrectly marked answers in survey & simple form
- Bug: Fixed translation issues
- Bug: Fixed issues with global default settings
- Bug: Fixed issues with multiple response question type
7.3.9 (January 20, 2022)
- Hotfix: Issues with markup in email
- Hotfix: Issues with quiz review for blank submissions
- Hotfix: Issues with question/average points/score template variable
- Hotfix: Issues with result items on admin dashboard= 7.3.8 (January 18, 2022) =
- Bug: Fixed issues while taking quiz with logic questions.
- Bug: Fixed issues with category selection on email page.
- Bug: Fixed the issues with category points and score template variables.
- Bug: Fixed issues when contact form is set to appears at end of the quiz.
- Bug: Fixed issues with multiple quiz shortcode on a same page.
- Bug: Fixed issues with number of questions per category and random questions logic.
- Bug: Fixed security issues.
- Bug: Fixed issues with date and current date format in template variable.
- Bug: Fixed issues with QSM Theme.
- Enhancement: Added option to edit quiz in admin bar.
- Enhancement: Added option to disable first page on quiz.
- Enhancement: Made UI improvements in QSM.
- Enhancement: Made improvements in answer matching logic.
7.3.7 (December 27, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed issues in fill in the blanks question type
- Bug: Fixed issues with category selection on result page
- Bug: Fixed issues with deletion and duplication capabilities for non admin users
- Bug: Fixed issue where url parameters are being translated
- Bug: Fixed the issues with category points and score template variables
- Feature: Added a feature to hide/show columns in admin results page
- Enhancement: Introduced Page Name and Page URL columns to admin results table
- Enhancement: Made UI improvements in polar question type slider
- Enhancement: Made UI improvements in template variable popup
- Enhancement: Made improvements in Audit Logs
7.3.6 (December 10, 2021)
- Hotfix: Issues with survey form type Fixed
- Hotfix: Issues with simple form fixed
- Hotfix: Issues with random questions feature Fixed
- Hotfix: Issues with comment form and hints fixed
- Hotfix: Issues with deselect option fixed
7.3.5 (November 17, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed issue while permanently deleting bulk quizzes
- Bug: Fixed issue while editing questions imported from question bank
- Bug: Fixed issue with question categories
- Bug: Fixed various security vulnerabilities
- Bug: Fixed Authenticated SQL injection
- Bug: Fixed issues with polar question type
- Bug: Fixed issue where multiple popups were appearing
- Bug: Fixed issues where refreshing the page resets answered questions
- Bug: Fixed issues with QSM block
- Bug: Fixed issue with autofill for contact input
- Bug: Fixed issues with polar question type slider on admin results page
- Feature: Added support for webp file format
- Feature: Added new template variable %MINIMUM_POINTS%
- Enhancement: Replaced shortened urls with original urls
- Enhancement: Refactored code to enqueue JS and CSS files as per coding standards
- Enhancement: Refactored code to utilise libraries bundled with WordPress core
- Enhancement: Updated out of date libraries
- Enhancement: Removed CDN and third party server scripts
- Enhancement: Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated all variable, file uploads and data
- Enhancement: Moved inline scripts to wp_enqueue_script and wp_add_inline_script
7.3.4 (October 1, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed the issue with validation of date field for contact section
7.3.3 (October 1, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed the issue where %AVERAGE_CATEGORY_POINTS_X% was calculating total instead of average.
- Bug: Fixed the issue where no category found for questions imported from question bank.
- Bug: Fixed the issue where the limit number of questions per category was not working.
- Bug: Fixed the issue with “Limit question per category” setting when “Random” option is enabled
- Bug: Fixed the issue where timer was not showing on single page quiz.
- Bug: Fixed the issue when recaptcha button not showing when question per page quiz options is enabled.
- Bug: Fixed the issues while duplicating a quiz.
- Bug: Fixed the issue where date question type shows date in reverse order on the results page and in emails.
- Feature: Added date field in quiz contact tab.
- Enhancement: Added Correct/Incorrect answers in different color in email.
7.3.2 (September 06, 2021)
- Bug: Added Translation for Time is up and Cancel button.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of category name not visible.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of limit number of questions per category is not working.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of results page and email showing only 1 question and its answer multiple times.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of %POLL_RESULT_X% not displaying images while using rich answers.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of %AVERAGE_CATEGORY_POINTS_X% variable not working.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of validation errors appearing on the questions before entering the responses.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of timer not showing on the quiz.
- Bug: Fixed security issue to prevent Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
7.3.1 (August 13, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed the error on updating database.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of everything displayed in the same line in the results page.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of fill in the blank question type not showing user answer and correct answer in the results page and email.
- Feature: Added global default settings for quiz options.
- Enhancement: Added option to deny quiz submission after end date/time
- Enhancement: Made order of random questions same on the results page and the quiz frontend.
7.3.0 (July 29, 2021)
- Feature: Added option to add multiple categories to single question.
- Feature: Added option to display quiz results based on category points.
- Enhancement: Extended category based template variables to support multiple categories.
- Bug: Fixed issue with quiz duplication.
7.2.3 (July 15, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed issue fatal error on php version below 7.3.
7.2.2 (July 14, 2021)
- Feature: Implemented multiple fill in the blanks support.
- Feature: Implemented new template variable %TIMER_SECONDS% to show left over seconds.
- Feature: Implemented new option to limit number of questions per category.
- Bug: Fixed issue with template variable %AMOUNT_INCORRECT%.
- Bug: Fixed issue of undefined index notice of facebook app id.
- Bug: Fixed issue with saving conditions in email and results tab.
- Bug: Fixed issue of wordpress database error notice on fresh installation.
- Bug: Fixed issue with validation on retake quiz
7.2.1 (June 25, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed layout issues with rtl languages.
- Bug: Fixed issue of user comments not appearing on admin result page.
- Bug: Fixed issue with recaptcha not appearing on random quiz.
7.2.0 (June 21, 2021)
- Feature: Introduced QSM Themes.
- Feature: Introduced image type answers.
- Bug: Fixed issue where there is an empty last page while using auto pagination.
7.1.19 (June 3, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed security issue related to IP address sanitization.
7.1.18 (May 31, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed recently discovered security issues.
7.1.17 (May 28, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed the issue where page title shows Nan:Nan:Nan on reload.
- Bug: Fixed the issue when editing duplicate questions updates original questions.
7.1.16 (April 29, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed the issue with Facebook share.
- Bug: Fixed issue with timer starting on intro page.
- Bug: Fixed pagination issue with multiple quizzes on same page.
- Bug: Fixed issue with tiny-mce causing conflict with other plugins.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of logic rules not being copied when duplicating quiz.
- Feature: Added rich textbox for correct answer information.
- Feature: Added additional condition for Email template for different answers.
7.1.15 (April 13, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed SQL errors due to which questions were disappearing from some old quizzes.
- Bug: Fixed Invalid result id! shortcode format in results page.
- Bug: Fixed the issue with incorrect points while using Latex commands along with the anchor tags in the rich answers.
7.1.14 (March 25, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed security and Vulnerability issues.
- Bug: Fixed the inability to recognize correct answer for Question type Paragraph.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of question not displaying when randomizing questions by category.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of [latex] shortcode not working on retake quiz.
- Enhancement: Added the feature to Unlink questions from quiz.
- Enhancement: UI improvements for Quiz Editor.
7.1.13 (March 9, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed several security issues.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of audio and video player not showing in question content
- Bug: Fixed the issue of [latex] shortcode not showing Red cross mark for incorrect option.
- Bug: Fixed the issue required field getting surpassed by spaces in contact form.
7.1.12 (February 22, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed prevention of SQL injection while using result shortcode and question bank.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of broken [latex] shortcode in result and user dashboard page.
- Enhancement: Added option to end the quiz if answer is wrong.
- Enhancement: Added option to turn off the HTML auto complete.
- Enhancement: Modified background color to fix contrast ratios from SEO perspective.
7.1.11 (January 27, 2021)
- Bug: Fixed jquery issue while editing the result page.
- Bug: Added string translation for %POLL_RESULTS_X% variable.
- Bug: Fixed incorrect score while using point value with decimal.
- Enhancement: Added link support in contact field label.
- Enhancement: Added HTML support in email tab.
- Enhancement: Added option to add link in Hint field.
- Enhancement: Added support for HTML tags in Correct answer info field.
- Enhancement: Added option to view roadmap.
- Enhancement: Added option to delete questions from database.
- Enhancement: Changed the quiz status by default to Draft.
7.1.10 (December 29, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed the inconsistency between no of participants and available results.
- Bug: Fixed incorrect pagination in results page.
- Bug: Fixed the issue with interchanging of settings while using two quiz on same page.
- Bug: Fixed shortcode not working while using rich answer.
- Bug: Fixed ID and Class names not showing on result page while using rich answer.
- Bug: Fixed selected options not being shown while using Polar question type.
- Enhancement: Changed the captcha validation message.
- Enhancement: Added the option to round off Score of correct/incorrect answer to a whole number.
7.1.9 (December 14, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed the issue where answers with apostrophe’s are not being recognized as correct.
- Bug: Fixed the issue where inline are shown twice when Random Questions are enabled.
- Bug: Fixed the issue with point score and maximum point variable
- Bug: Fixed the issue where only last answer display as correct when all the answers were marked correct.
- Enhancement: Added Limit Text option for paragraph question type.
- Enhancement: Added an option for inserting a link in the Correct info.
7.1.8 (November 18, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed required field not working while using Date question type.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of right answers containing apostrophes marked as incorrect in Multiple Response/ Multiple Choice questions
- Bug: Fixed incorrect message while using rich answer type while using Show results inline option.
- Bug: Fixed CSS overlapping issue for quiz_section class while using auto pagination.
- Bug: Fixed continuous loading of result page while using landing page addon.
- Bug: Fixed number question type not being recorded while using Force submit after timer expires.
- Enhancement: Allowed plus, dash, bracket and slash in phone contact field.
- Enhancement: Added option to limit the characters in Number question type.
7.1.7 (November 10, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed math formula not showing on result page.
- Bug: Fixed incorrect results while using %POLL_RESULTS_X% template variable.
- Bug: Fixed advanced timer not showing while questions per page option.
- Bug: Fixed translation issue with string ‘No Answer Provided’.
7.1.6 (October 29, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed division by zero error while limiting number of questions.
- Bug: Fixed inclusion of file upload question type in calculation of average point and average category point.
7.1.5 (October 26, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed logic addon rules not being copied while duplicating quiz.
- Bug: Fixed vietnamese accents and special characters not being recognized in quiz result page.
- Bug: Fixed apostrophe and double quotes not working with Dropdown question type.
- Bug: Fixed apostrophe being marked as incorrect for %USER_ANSWERS_DEFAULT% template variable.
- Bug: Fixed question’s answers being case sensitive while using %USER_ANSWERS_DEFAULT% template variable.
- Bug: Fixed HTML codes appearing in email while using rich answer type.
- Bug: Fixed Polar question type scoring being rounded off to integers incorrectly.
- Bug: Fixed timer not appearing while using retaking a quiz on result page.
7.1.4 (October 06, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed point score issues when answer type is Rich Answer with HTML tags.
- Enhancement: Added JS hook for quiz to enhance JS event.
- Enhancement: Added .pot file to translate string into any language.
- Enhancement: Added %POINT_SCORE% variable support in %QUESTIONS_ANSWERS% template variable.
- Enhancement: Added option to display Correct Answer Info with inline result.
7.1.3 (September 22, 2020)
- Bug: Fixed issues when email templates were not showing if classic editor was disabled.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of Certificate Addon link not showing in admin result detail page issue.
- Bug: Fixed point score calculation issue for rich answers.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of question title not showing on front while using captcha question type.
- Bug: Fixed the issue of Comment Field showing placeholder text when the comment field is blank.
- Bug: Removed unnecessary gap between question and answers in quiz result page.
- Bug: Fixed …