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There will probably be times that you need to add settings that affect all quizzes. Adding a tab in the Addons Settings page is the perfect spot to list your new settings. Creating a new tab is almost identical to creating a new tab on the quiz settings page.

First, we add a function to the ‘plugins_loaded’ hook that will add your new tab. We will call this function ‘add_new_addons_tab’. Inside, we will call the global $mlwQuizMasterNext. Then, we will use the plugin helper function ‘register_addon_settings_tab’ to create out tab. This function has two parameters.

$title is the string for the tab and $function is your function to display the contents. From here, you will want to create a function to display the contents. So, utilizing this function, we will create a new tab:

function add_new_addons_tab()
	global $mlwQuizMasterNext;
	$mlwQuizMasterNext->pluginHelper->register_addon_settings_tab(__("My Addon's Settings", 'quiz-master-next'), "my_addon_settings_tab_content");
add_action("plugins_loaded", 'add_new_addons_tab');
function my_addon_settings_tab_content
    //Your content goes here!